Palack Wine Bar

Palack is a laid-back wine bar on the Buda side of the city, where the increasingly fashionable Bartók Béla Boulevard sets off. Sure, there are other places in Budapest with a more discerning wine list and better-trained servers, but those often end up being playgrounds of wine snobs.

Instead, Palack’s unabashedly middle-brow approach brings together a cross-section of local residents: Price sensitive customers can try easydrinking whites, while those with more advanced palates and deeper pockets sip away on layered wines by Hungary's leading producers, including Szeleshát, Vylyan, and Kreinbacher. Snacks, vegetable dips, and charcuterie platters are available. In terms of offerings, atmosphere, and prices, Palack is comparabe to Kadarka on the opposite side of the Danube.

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